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Hc-Punk, tours (france), 2012 / 7 inch vinyl holding 3 songs with english lyrics / for friends of: Citizens Patrol, Sex Drive or Dropdead / featuring members of: Daily Mind Distortion, Nine Eleven, Verbal Razors, D.F.I. & Urban Struggle...
3,00 €
Punkrock from chicago (amiland), 2010 / 7" vinyl holding 3 songs with english lyrics / featuring members of: Pretentious Assholes, I Attack, Thin The Herd, Chronic Seizure, Family Secrets, Rat Bastards, Kontaminat & Manipulation / listen...
3,00 €
Crusty D-beat from darmstadt (germoney), 2008 / 7" vinyl holding 6 songs with serbo-croatian & english lyrics / for friends of: Wolfpack or Tragedy / listen here
4,00 €
Melodic Hardcore from germoney, 2013 / 7 inch vinyl holding 2 songs with english lyrics / listen here
3,00 €
Melodic Hardcore from amiland, 2001 / 7 inch vinyl holding 7 songs with english lyrics / listen here
3,00 €
Grindcore from meets powerviolence from france, 2015 / Vengeance has risen from the ashes of Jugular Scars / 7 inch vinyl with bandarole, holding 4 songs each band with french & english lyrics / featuring members of: Cold North,...
3,00 €
Hardcore from germoney meets swedish metalcore, 1998 / orange 7 inch vinyl holding 3 songs with english lyrics / for friends of: Converge, Breach or Cryptopsy / featuring members of: Pillbox, Kaiserschnitt 13, TrainWreck, Man The Change,...
3,00 €
Crust/Grind, karlsruhe/straßburg, 2014 / 7 inch vinyl holding 5 songs with german lyrics / gatefold with lyrics / featuring members of Geraniüm, Slump, Post War Depression & Gunmob / listen here
3,50 €
Pop-Punk, münster (germoney), 2013 / 7 inch vinyl holding 4 songs with english lyrics / fold out sleeve including sticker & download card (+ 2 extra songs) / for friends of: Lipstick Homicide or Cyanide Pills / listen here
3,00 €
Crusty Scum Rock'N'Roll from Tübingen, 2012 / 7 inch vinyl, holding 7 songs with german & english lyrics / featuring members of: Insect Terror / listen here
3,00 €
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